Ugh... my head...
I am sorry... but this was just one of those things that would give you a seizure if you stared at it for to long... please try again... I like you style, but the way the coours blended here are just to painful.
Ugh... my head...
I am sorry... but this was just one of those things that would give you a seizure if you stared at it for to long... please try again... I like you style, but the way the coours blended here are just to painful.
I was hoping some one would get a seizure from this.
Sorry, disapointing
I'm very sorry to say this, but his just doesn't live up to the first one. Ok, so the "big Gay Dance" is hillarious, but I'm afraid that's it.
Well done. out of all of the bleach opening themes, this one was my second favorite. Personally, i think that you should have followed the entire sequences animation, and not make stupid jokes out of it. N E Ways, I liked it. Fav'd
LOVE IT! FAV'D! Please, make a lirical miss-interpretation of Sephiroth's theme.
5/5 10/10! That was fuggin AWESOME! Though it was a shame that P-Bot died.
Loved it!
Though, personally, I think Vaan is what Cloud Strife would be like if he had a thing for men, not michael jackson. Though I admit he does look to mcuh like a girl. And the vaan isn't the worst character to play as, fran is. Anyways... Keep it coming, this was a good flash. And I liked it. 10/10 5/5
it worked! I agree. Anime isn't just for kids (ever heard of "Lupon the Third"?)
i'm not actually sure if it's spelled Lupin or Lupon, but it's pronounced Lupon. And then there's the happiness bunny, etc...
Point is, i agree. Anime isn't just for kids.
That was much better than the last one!
YOu guys are GENIUSES. Alvin, you have a gift, your animating skills are beyond Legendary-Frog quality! Anyways, I loved this, and I had to restrain myself from laughing several times. My fav scene was snake farting in the box. Keep up the incrdible work. Please, make more!
P.S. The Custom stage scene wasn't all that funny.
Fantastic ending! I love that you killed him in the end. Serves hiim right for not looking before crossing. This is a perfect example of why you should NEVER under any circumstances, break out into song randomly in public! Lol
P.S. That song sounded like spongebob, was it?
Joined on 10/27/07